2021 Impact Report: Moving Forward with Urgency & Optimism

August 30, 2022

Key Takeaways from 2021

1. Investing at the Intersection of Impact and Alpha: GEM's integrated impact investment team—with dedicated professionals who are accountable for impact outcomes and investment returns—supports our commitment to investing at the intersection of high impact and alpha generation.

2. Going Beyond ESG: Amid growing backlash to "ESG" investing, our conviction is stronger than ever that we must invest for impact outcomes that go beyond ESG, focusing on outcomes experienced by stakeholders. 

3. Seeking Diversity, Equity and Climate Change Solutions: In 2021, we observed three issues that play a role in every investment we make: diversity, equity, and climate change." -> "3. Seeking Diversity, Equity and Climate Change Solutions: In 2021, we observed three issues that play a role in every investment we make—diversity, equity, and climate change.

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