
Tailored solutions

Painter with paintbrush and canvas
Wooden abacus

Customized OCIO

We are a leading Outsourced Chief Investment Office to endowments, foundations, and other long-term investors. We collaborate with clients on the design of investment policy and portfolio construction, and then assume responsibility for implementation and manager selection. Portfolios are customized to meet clients' distinct needs, objectives, and risk tolerance, with varied allocations across asset types. Within portfolios, we ensure all clients have equitable access to our differentiated manager relationships.

Alternative investments

We believe alternative investment strategies play a key role in investment portfolios, and that the gap between well-selected and poorly selected alternative investments is wide. We have deep domain expertise across a broad spectrum of private asset classes, with a particular focus on small buyouts, real estate, and venture capital.

Interesting modern architecture vortex
Colorful bird's eye view of rainforest

Impact integration

Our impact approach is founded on our conviction that we can deliver positive outcomes for people and the planet without sacrificing financial returns.1 Using our rigorous impact measurement framework, we prioritize managers and investments with the potential to solve pressing social and environmental problems.2

Recent Insights

In Defense of the Endowment Model, Rightly Understood

The first of Deputy CIO Matt Bank’s new series, The Long View, reaffirms GEM’s belief that the Endowment Model – in the right hands, for the right institutions – remains a compelling means of achieving risk-adjusted returns.

GEM Expands Impact Investing Team with Two New Hires

GEM announced the addition of two new investment professionals to its impact investment team: Angelica Nikolausson joined as Managing Director, and Ann Eubank as Senior Associate.

The Returns Horse Race Has Begun — But Does Measuring Up Matter?

As Matt Bank discussed with Institutional Investor, institutions should avoid the comparison game as endowment return season gets underway and focus instead on simply running their own race.

Connect with us

Let’s start a conversation about how we can help.

1 Returns are not guaranteed.

2 To select impact investments, GEM utilizes the GEM IMP Framework, a comprehensive model adapted from the Impact Management Project’s Impact Management “norms” and Impact Classes and applied by GEM to assess impact by evaluating investment strategies and managers, including but not limited to the impact of portfolio companies on key stakeholders and investment managers’ contributions to impact. For more information on the Impact Management Project, please see For the avoidance of doubt, GEM reserves the right to modify the GEM IMP Framework and its application.